Eye Tests by Experienced Opticians in Lethbridge

Why Are Eye Tests Important?
Ocular health is not just about having 20/20 vision, it is important to get a detailed analysis of your visual needs to understand how your systemic health affects your vision. Southern Optical Ltd. provides quick and easy eye tests in Lethbridge and surrounding areas to help you determine your visual perception abilities and find the best fitting glasses or lens. We perform digital eye tests without any puffs or drops.
Upon completion of your eye test, results are sent to an Ophthalmologist for additional review.

Mobile Eye Test
Southern Optical Ltd. is proud to be one of the first eye care professionals in Southern Alberta to offer EyeNetra™ mobile eye testing service for mobility challenged residents of Lethbridge and surrounding areas. We are equipped with the latest mobile eye testing technology to conduct an accurate and detailed eye test. We can also help you with a new pair of glasses on the spot if you inform us in advance.
We can also arrange visits for eye tests at home, in the hospital, at a seniors’ residence or anywhere else you request if visiting our location is a challenge.
Call us today for details!
Pressure Tests
We, at Southern Optical Ltd., strive to stay updated with the latest technology to provide you with accurate results. Our opticians use Eye Logic® technology to do accurate digital refraction to determine your eyeglass or contact lens prescription. Some other technologies that we use are:
Digital Retinal Photography
The first step to maintaining good ocular health is the accurate determination of your vision. At Southern Optical Ltd., we understand the importance of accurate readings. Therefore, we make use of the latest digital retinal photography technology in Lethbridge and surrounding areas to monitor the back of your eye. We now have the latest in digital retinal photography: the DRS™, a fully automated state of the art retinal imaging machine from Italy with wireless cloud backup and diagnostics. Contact us to know more about this technology and how it can help you.